Squirrels might be adorable when scampering about the yard, but they quickly lose their charm when living within a home’s walls or attic. These energetic and nimble creatures excel at climbing and leaping. As urban and suburban areas grow, their habitats shrink, making them accustomed to living amongst people. When they need a warm, secure place to nest for the winter and raise their young, homes often become their preferred choice.Understanding Squirrel Behavior
Understanding Squirrel Behavior

Many people are unaware that squirrels are rodents. Their four front teeth continue to grow throughout their lives, ensuring they don’t get worn out from chewing on the hard shells of nuts and acorns. Unfortunately, these same teeth enable them to gnaw through almost any material a house is constructed from. While much cuter than rats, the damage they cause is significant.
Many people are unaware that squirrels are rodents. Their four front teeth continue to grow throughout their lives, ensuring they don’t get worn out from chewing on the hard shells of nuts and acorns. Unfortunately, these same teeth enable them to gnaw through almost any material a house is constructed from. While much cuter than rats, the damage they cause is significant.
How Do Squirrels Get Into an Attic?
Squirrels spend their days running up and down trees and jumping from branch to branch, giving them a bird’s-eye view of home roofs and their weaknesses. They do not hibernate in winter, so the warmth from gaps in a home makes an ideal winter den. Squirrels use their teeth to gnaw through damaged or unscreened vents or tiny gaps to enter the attic. Most often, they use nearby tree branches or wires to get to the roof. While ideal for squirrels, their presence damages homes and poses health risks for families.
Common Entry Points for Squirrels
Squirrels only need a gap of 1.5 inches to gain entry. Here are the most common places where squirrels find entry into your attic:
Soffits: These are the finishing materials, mostly made of wood or fiber cement, that cover the underside of a roof overhang. Soffits help keep moisture away from the rafters, reducing the chance of mold. However, soffits that are not flush with the siding create a gap for squirrels to enter.
Fascia Boards: These thin longboards run along the lower outer edge of a roof, covering the entire roofline and helping to keep water out.
Ridge Vents: Installed on the peak of a roof, ridge vents provide continuous exhaust ventilation at the highest part of the attic. Squirrels are attracted to the warm air that comes out of these vents.
Gable Vents: Located at the peak of a gabled roof where the two sides meet, these vents usually have louvers, allowing air to flow into the attic, which helps cool it down in warm weather.
Roof Returns: This part of the roof doubles back to the wall of the house, creating a potential entry point between the end of the roof and a home’s walls.
Chimneys: Chimneys conduct smoke and combustion gases up from a fireplace, stove, or furnace and can run through the attic of a house.
Siding Corners: The trim used to keep your siding in place where the corners meet can also be an entry point for squirrels.
Gutters: Gutters capture rainwater and melting snow, channeling it away from the house. Clogged gutters can cause deterioration along the roof edge, through which a squirrel can enter.
Plumbing Mats: These rubber mats cover cylindrical vents on the roof that connect the plumbing system used to exhaust gases.
Wall and Crawl Space Squirrel Nests
While attics are the most common areas of a home where squirrels can be found, property owners should be aware that squirrels also enter homes through wall vents and crawlspaces.
Wall Vents: These vents are located on the side of a home for kitchen, bathroom, and dryer fans. They look like tree cavities to squirrels, making them perfect places to build a nest.
Crawlspaces: A crawlspace is an unfinished space between the ground and the first floor that is not tall enough to stand in. It provides access to plumbing, wiring, and other household systems without the need for excavation. Not every home has a crawlspace.
Squirrel Control and Prevention
The best way to prevent squirrels from entering a home is through proper maintenance. Go into your attic during the daytime and check for areas where you can see out. Seal all of those gaps. Cap or place mesh on chimneys and vents. Additionally, trim the tree branches that make it easy for squirrels to hop onto your roof.
If a squirrel sets up residence, call a wildlife specialist to humanely show them the exit. Squirrels can become aggressive when approached, especially if there are kits. They carry parasites and diseases as well. Professionals provide the quickest and most efficient solution to a pesky squirrel in the attic.